Friday, February 27, 2015

Lenten Photo Challenge: Day 9 - Wait

"Wait!" "Hang on." "Just be patient." "In a minute." "Please take a number." "Your call will be answered in 4 minutes."

No thank you. I cannot wait.

I will not wait.

And if I do have to wait, I will not like it.

No one really likes to wait, but I do it worse than most people. I accept that I cannot wait for things to happen and have little to no real patience and I make no excuses for this flay. But I do not consider it a flaw. Only part of who I am. If you know me at all, then you know this explains a lot about me!

I never have been very good at it. But it was not until about 20 + years ago that I realized that I was hard wired to make life happen for me instead of waiting or it to happen to me. I was discovering that the world had so much to show me and there were so many things to do and see that I could not wait for those things to be seen, be done or be part of. It was a point of contention between my wife and I early on as I had a tendency to plan things without consulting her. Not that she did not want to be part of the plan but because she knew I did not think through the planning process well or simply did not consult a calendar! I am still guilty of doing this from time to time but now we plan together much more, and in turn we are never without something to do, see or be part of.

Ironically, today I was deeply saddened by the death of one of the icons of Sci-Fi and the actor behind one of the most beloved characters of all time in Science Fiction history - Leonard Nimoy. "Mr. Spock" of Star Trek. And I am reminded of a line from the movie, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan.

"Accepting Death - by understanding that every life comes to an end, when time demands it. Loss of life is to be mourned, but only if the life was wasted." - Spock

Time waiting is time wasted and in my world, time wasted is life wasted.

I will not wait.

Thank you Mr. Spock.

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